Tracker Auto-Revert (AR) Mode

May 30, 2013

This video provides directions on how and why to use the auto revert (AR) mode on a BCA Tracker avalanche transceivers.

This video provides directions on how and why to use the auto revert (AR) mode on a BCA Tracker avalanche transceiver. Auto-revert is beneficial when having to perform a search in a dangerous area where a second avalanche is still possible. Auto revert mode will make the Tracker automatically revert to transmit (TR) if the device does not move for one minute-or if there is movement, but the searcher remains in search mode for more than five minutes. The auto revert function will reset your Tracker back into transmit mode after 5 minutes of searching. Auto-revert also comes in handy if you do a trailhead test at the beginning of your tour, but you forget to go back into transmit.

To learn more about how to operate an avalanche transceiver, see our Tracker Resources page. Check out our complete lineup of BCA Tracker avalanche transceivers here.