Papsura: Peak of Evil follows legendary snowboarders Nick Russell and Jerry Mark as they set out to ride the biggest line of their lives in a remote corner of the Himalayas. The 21,000 foot behemoth of a peak is split by a line so perfect and massive it pushed the skills of even the most renowned ski mountaineers.
The line in question, slicing the peak’s west face, was first conquered by the late Hilaree Nelson and her partner Jim Morrison, after which Hilaree encouraged Nick Russell to make an attempt on the peak, which she described as one of the most beautiful lines she’d ever skied—one that, as Jim Morrison puts it, “just begs to be shredded.”
“The vision for Papsura was inspired directly from the exploits of the late Hilaree Nelson. It was a years-long dream to acquire the necessary skills to organize and lead an expedition to northern India, culminating in the second descent and first snowboard descent of the 21,150-plus-foot peak.”
- Nick Russell